Since getting up I was already thinking about everything I must do. Have the children had their breakfast yet? What would we have for lunch and dinner? Is there any invoice I need to pay? Do I have to go for grocery today? Do we have enough detergent, floor cleaner, eggs, milk? Has the helper cleaned the windows as I told her yesterday? Could I open my email today? Or does Pelangi need the computer? But I need to reply my friend’s and parents- in-law’s mails. And what about my sister who lives abroad whom I haven’t written for so long? Oops, what about the children’s homework? I should do something with the children or take them out because I didn’t spend much time with them the last days especially that their father is abroad. Where should I take the children out today? Do I have time to wash the car? Oh.. the gas, yes I must refill. Etc, etc.
I felt relieved that I finally could open my email after 2 days of absence. Still there are other emails I couldn’t open due to my limited time. But I am thankful that I have opened an email from a friend of KPC. The title of the email is Beautiful Women. Not because I felt that I am a beautiful woman but I’m just curious, what is it with beautiful women?
Here is the email.
A small boy asks his mother, “Why do you cry?”
“Because I am a woman,” his mother answered.
“I don’t understand”, said the son.
His mother just hugged him and said “And you will never understand it”.
Then the boy asked his father, “Why does mother cry without any reason?”
“All women cry without any reason”. That’s just what his father could say.
The small boy grew as a man but he still wants to know why women cry.
Finally he contacted God and asked, “God, why do women cry easily?”

God said:
"When I created a woman, she must be special. I have made her shoulders strong enough to support the world; but soft enough to give comfort”
"I gave her the inner strength to be able to give birth to a child and accept denial which comes often from her children”.
“I gave her the strength to make her rigid when other people have given up and to take care of her family with her pain and tiredness without complaint”.
“I gave her the sensitivity to love her children in whatever situation even when they hurt her very much”.
“I gave her the strength to support her husband in his failure and equipped her with her husband’s rib to protect her heart”.

I gave her the wisdom to know that a good man would never hurt his wife, but sometimes I test her strength and her heart’s firmness to be on her husband’s side without doubt”
And finally I gave her the tears to drop. This is special for her to use whenever she needs.

A beautiful message, story, reflection, or whatever it is called. I will also share that beauty by forwarding the email to the other beautiful women I know.
But there is one thing I would like to say. Is this beauty only for women? Shouldn’t we share it to men (read: our husband) as well? Not to debate or to get a better feeling, but this could also be their reflection. We don’t need to hear or to ask their opinion about it because it is not important as long as they do not get this email from their wife. Of course I would be happy to get a similar email about men. I would love to read it.
This email is ended with a sweet invitation.
Send this email to every beautiful woman you know today to celebrate Women History Month. If you do it, something good would happen. You would increase self esteem of women! Because every woman is beautiful.
Thanks to Julie who has sent this email to me. It really lightens my burdens and my steps today.
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